Contact Information

Address :
Jl. Hang Jebat III/F3 - Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan - Postal Code : 12120
Phone Number :
(021) 7234389
Fax Number :
(021) 7397769

Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday :
Open : 08.00 AM
Break : 12.00 - 13.00 PM
Close : 15.30 PM
Friday :
Open : 08.00 AM
Break : 11.30 - 13.00 PM
Close : 16.00 PM


We have many types of collections in our library, range from Fictions to Sciences Material, from printed material to digital collections such CD-ROM, CD, VCD and DVD. We also collect daily serials publications such as newspaper and also monthly serials such as magazines.

Library Membership

To be able to loan our library collections, you must first become library member. There is terms and conditions that you must obey.

Pencarian Spesifik

Visitor Counter Web

IP =

Today = 1197

Yesterday = 1866

Total Visitor = 3304434

Pilih Bahasa


Info. Kesehatan Link

E-Jurnal Link


Seluruh produk koleksi digital yang dihasilkan oleh Mahasiswa & Mahasiswi telah dikonversi kedalam file E-book sehingga dimanfaatkan secara luas oleh seluruh pengunjung Perpustakaan Digital Poltekes Jakarta 2


Alamat : Jln. Hang Jebat III/F3 Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta, Indonesia , 12120
Telp : 021.7397641, 7397643,